Patented. © All rights reserved. Coverfeed® is a registred and proprietary trademark of Siriuz. Denmark
1. Prepare
Get all your components ready and within reach. In that way, installation will go faster and smoother.
0 seconds
2. Measure the cutout 30 mm from the back of the keder and in; 70 mm from top edge and down for CF models and 50 mm for KCF.
0 seconds
3. Make the cutout
Use large sharp scissors or Stanley knife. Note, that there are different measurements of cutout from model to model.
10 seconds
4. Drill hole in keder for spike
Use a 2 or 3 mm drill to make a cavity in which the spike will be lowered. Drill down in the center of the keder in the excess of 20 mm.
25 seconds
5. Lower the Coverfeed®
Insert the tent corner in between the slit of the coverfeed® and lower. Make the spike go down the cavity and lower all way down.
45 seconds
6. Toggle for proper fit
Make sure the coverfeed® fits and all cutout edges are hidden properly inside the coverfeed®.
60 seconds
7. Fix with 5 screws Use stainless flathead countersunk chipboard screws in the length 10 mm (i.e. Bossard, BN 1426). Fix them in the suggested order to avoid wrinkles.
110 seconds
8. Brilliant!
You’ve spent about 2 minutes and you will probably beat this time once you get the routine.
You spent:
110 seconds
Download PDF Installation Guide
Get the complete step-by-step guide on how to install the Coverfeed®. Principles are the same for both models.
Download Installation Manual >
Yup! Keep it simple and low tech
One of the main criterias, when we started out designing Coverfeeds®, was the whole attachment and installment problem. By analyzing the PVC vinyl fabrics used on most covers in the market, we used a lot of our membrane load and stretch experience from the sailmaking industry we are so familiar with and solved this with simple chipboard screw.
The solution was to be simple, effective, low cost and only require existing familiar tools to be handled on any spot necessary in case of emergency repairs or retrofit.
We don't cut the strong structural yarns
By perforating the fabric with screws we do not actually cut over the yarns, but merely create a tiny hole in the water resistant membrane and thereby we do not reduce the strength of the textile at all.
On top, we have positioned at least two screws to go through the dense webbing of the keder, reinforcing the attachment from the loads of pulling ceilings over beams on ie. Clearspans.
Alternatively; If we had punched a hole and used ie. rivets or click solutions to assemble, we would have cut over a lot of yarns in a critical area with high loads, hence compromising the structural reliability essentially inviting damage to come by.
It can handle even the heavy boys
We know membrane loads and with yachting sails and we are talking multible tonnes in every corner. With tents it is 'only' still kilos or pounds since most still install ceilings by hand pulling from 2-3 persons across beams and Clearspans, essentially loading pressure with around 300 kilos at the most (in case they are all hanging freely in the air from the Coverfeed®).
Even the smallest of our models (KCF85) can take more than 600 kilos without breaking and our tests did'nt show permanent damage (wrinkles) to the textiles before 465 kilos, which is not standard loads.